A Patriot’s Promise – MUST READ

Few things in life merit a cross-country flight for a 5-hour get together with friends. My former JTAC team leader, Israel “DT” Del Toro’s book launch party DEFINITELY fit the bill!

I won’t go into detail on the background, because I want you to buy this book and learn for yourself, however, I will say that seeing him for the first time in a long time cemented for me why I love being a TACP – no matter how much time passes, it’s as if none has.

Meeting and spending time with his family and friends, sharing stories with some old, crusty TACPs from WAY back in the day, and reminiscing with DT about that fateful mission was incredible. I’m very happy I was able to go!

Over the years of rehab, participation in the Invictus Games, and being presented with the Pat Tillman award – DT has gathered a pretty prestigious list of friends. Former President Bush, Prince Harry, and Jon Stewart (to name a few). I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived at his home in Colorado, but low and behold – there was Jon Stewart…helping set up. “Proud” doesn’t quite capture how I feel about my former JTAC trainer. He’s been through more than anyone I’ve ever heard of…I feel very privileged to call him my friend.