“A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” – Willy Wonka
I remember watching this as a kid and Gene Wilder’s words struck a chord with me even at a young age. I can think back over an entire military career and the number of nonsensical stories I have could fill a book (and may one day)…
“So live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!” – Viktor Frankl
I devoured his book: Man’s search for meaning, and I reread this quote time and time again. My take on it is that we all have the power to change our past, not like Marty McFly, but our future past…when the lines in our face are a little clearer. It saddens me when I hear about retired people who look back at their lives and the ‘shoulda-woulda-couldas’ overtake the conversation. I’m trying hard to NOT be in that group. Mr. Frankl’s quote helped solidify a life changing experience I had a long time ago…but there’ll be time for that later.